Lelaki Terkejut Peragut Yang Dirempuhnya Adalah Anggota Polis..

on Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kejadian yang berlaku di Taman Mayang, Petaling Jaya ini dah jadi seperti kata pepatah harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi.. harapkan Polis, Polis pulak jadi Pencuri..

Seorang lelaki Saravanan Batumalai tidak menyangka sama sekali dua orang peragut bermotorsikal yang dirempuh olehnya adalah dua orang anggota Polis yang tidak bertugas pada hari kejadian.

Lebih menarik lagi motorsikal yang digunakan oleh mereka untuk melakukan jenayah tersebut adalah milik Balai Polis Kelana Jaya.

Menceritakan kejadian yang berlaku pada waktu tengahhari itu, Saravanan, 27 mengatakan ketika beliau sedang berada diluar tempat kerjanya beliau terlihat dua individu di atas sebuah motorsikal telah meragut rantai leher seorang wanita yang sedang berjalan kaki.

"Saya segera memecut dan merempuh motosikal mereka dan kedua-dua mereka jatuh,"

Salah satu peragut itu bangun dan melarikan diri manakala yang seorang lagi cuba untuk memecut motosikal yang rosak akibat rempuhan itu.

Sekali lagi Saravanan merempuh motosikal itu, membuatkan peragut itu jatuh dan motosikalnya terperosok di bahagian depan keretanya..

Peragut itu menyerang dengan membaling batu ke arah Saravanan, namun ianya mengenai cermin kereta dan meretakkannya..

"Beliau kemudian mengeluarkan pisau dan mengacukan pada saya, merentap rantai emas saya, dan melarikan diri...

lagi korang bacalah kat bawah ni...

PETALING JAYA (Aug 26, 2013): Saravanan Batumalai had the shock of his life hours after ramming his car into a motorcycle used by two snatch thieves last month: they were off-duty policemen. 

The first indication that they were men in blue came when he called 999 after the incident at 12.15pm on July 3 and a police patrol car arrived, only to have the policemen confirm that the motorcycle belonged to the Kelana Jaya police station. 

When Saravanan went to the police station to make a report, the investigating officer called in two policemen who turned out to be the ones who had tried to snatch the gold necklace of a woman walking along the road outside his workplace in Taman Mayang, Petaling Jaya. 

One had been riding the motorcycle while the other was his pillion. 

The drama unfolded just after noon that day when the 27-year-old was in his car outside his workplace and saw two men on a motorcycle snatching a woman's necklace. 

"I immediately sped up and rammed into their motorbike and both of them fell," Saravanan told theSun today. 

One of the thieves got up and fled while the other tried to speed away on the damaged the motorbike and both of them fell," Saravanan told theSun today. 

One of the thieves got up and fled while the other tried to speed away on the damaged motorcycle. 
Saravanan rammed the motorcycle again, making the thief fall and pinning the machine under the front wheel of his car. 

The thief retaliated by throwing stones in Saravanan's direction, missing him but damaging his car further with the windscreen shattered and side dented. 

But that was not the end. 

"He then took out a knife and lunged at me, pulling off my gold chain, and ran away. I retrieved a gold locket from the ground later which must have been from the woman's necklace," he said, adding that the woman left the scene almost immediately. 

Saravanan did not pursue the man because he was armed. 

Subsequently, he followed the two policemen who arrived at the scene in their patrol car to the police station at 2pm, where it was confirmed that the two-wheeler belonged to the police after inspection of its chassis number. 

It was also revealed that it had been fitted with false number plates. 

After a two-hour wait, Inspector Hasbullah asked him to make a statement. 

"He called for two men to be brought in. They were the two snatch thieves and I told him so," he said. 

One of the patrolmen later told him the duo were policemen. 

Saravanan then made a report at the Petaling Jaya police station. 

On July 19, Saravanan was called to attend an identification parade where he identified the two cops. 
However, after that, he was not contacted by anyone until Sunday, when Inspector Hasbullah called to arrange for him to record another statement. 

Saravanan has paid a heavy price for his actions – he had already spent RM3,800 to repair his car bumper and replace its windscreen with other repairs costing an estimated RM4,000. 

Selangor Acting Chief Police Officer Datuk A. Thaiveegan has asked Petaling Jaya OCPD ACP Arjunaidi Mohamed for a detailed report on the case ~ TheSun

Hmmm... mungkin mereka itu sedang menyamar kot.. menyamar sebagai peragut.. sebab itu mereka menggunakan motorsikal milik Kerajaan Malaysia..

Endless Possibilities....


PERINGATAN: AANS tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap komen yang diutarakan dalam laman ini. Ia pandangan peribadi pemilik akaun dan tidak semestinya menggambarkan pendirian sidang redaksi kami. Segala risiko akibat komen yang disiarkan menjadi tanggungjawab pemilik akaun sendiri

Ranking: 5

{ 5 comments... read them below or add one }

Anonymous said...

Agak2 la...ko dapat tido lena...polis kerja siang malam jaga keselamatan kau

August 27, 2013 at 8:15 AM
Anonymous said...

Baik anda padam artikel yg bbunyi harapkan polis,polis pula mencuri kerana itu sudah mghina jab berkerja di balai polis kelana jaya..untuk makluman motorsikal itu bukan milik balai polis kelana jaya..pdrm x da sponser pon moto lc untuk balai..jd jgn mbuat artikel yg blh buat anda didakwa..lg satu no plat yg digunakan oleh peragut adalah no palsu dan bila dsemak no chasis motor tersebut dapati ianya milik anggota polis yg bertugas di istana negara yg menetap di kuater polis brickfield di kwsn kelana jaya dan motor tersebut telah hilang bln 6/2013...jd jg terus menghukum tanpa tahu fakta sebenar..

August 27, 2013 at 8:24 AM
Anonymous said...


August 27, 2013 at 9:24 AM
Anonymous said...

Terima kasih. Anonymous August 27, 2013 at 8:24 AM.
Tapi cemana kawad cam kenalpasti kedu-dua tu sebagai anggota polis. Atau ianya kenyataan palsu jugak?

Apapun kita tak sepatutnya menghina seluruh PDRM sebab tiada organisasi yang semua anggotanya 100% maksum. Kenyataan sombong Mazlan Abdul Ghani buat majoriti meluat walaupun hanya sepintas lalu melihat gambarnya.

August 27, 2013 at 4:14 PM
Anonymous said...

dakwalah pemula artikel
apa yg disampai, itu yg didengar
itu juga yg dibahas

August 27, 2013 at 4:46 PM

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