Luahan Hati Kapten Nik Ahmad Huzlan Terhadap Pengurusan MAS

on Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sejak berlakunya insiden kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) penerbangan MH370, nama Datuk Kapten Nik Ahmad Huzlan Nik Hussain mula meniti di bibir masyarakat.

Beliau yang merupakan bekas juruterbang kanan MAS kerap dijemput untuk memberikan penjelasan di kaca televisyen mengenai isu berkaitan insiden tersebut termasuklah kejadian nahas pesawat MH17, baru-baru ini.

Bagaimanapun, menerusi laman Facebook hari ini, satu kenyataan luahan oleh Nik Huzlan terhadap pihak pengurusan MAS telah dikongsikan oleh orang ramai.

Menurutnya, kenyataan itu lebih berunsurkan pandangan peribadinya terhadap kepincangan yang berlaku dalam MAS.

“MAS mula bermasalah semula selepas Idris Jala menyerahkan tampuk kepimpinan kepada Tengku Azmil, seorang lelaki nombor dua yang jujur, sopan dan cemerlang. Tetapi bukan nombor satu. Dia mendengar kata-kata semua orang dan kelihatan malu untuk membuat keputusan. Kali terakhir kakitangan MAS menerima bonus ialah sewaktu di bawah teraju Idris Jala. Dalam ramai-ramai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO), Idris Jala adalah antara yang mampu membuat perubahan.

“Azmil terpaksa meninggalkan MAS selepas syarikat itu kerugian lebih daripada RM1 bilion. Saya sentiasa ingat dia kerana tidak mengendahkan nasihat saya berhubung isu Al Wafeer yang menyebabkan MAS kehilangan berjuta-juta ringgit.”

Itulah antara kata-kata Nik Huzlan yang dilihat banyak memuji kepimpinan Idris Jala berbanding CEO yang lain.

Pada masa yang sama, beliau turut menyebut mengenai CEO MAS kini, iaitu Ahmad Jauhari (AJ) Yahya.

“AJ datang sebagai penyelamat MAS. Saya tidak begitu mengenalinya kerana bersara sebelum dia masuk lagi.

“Sebagai seorang yang mempunyai reputasi sempurna, dia menolak sebarang darjah atau pangkat dan cukup berintegriti. Malangnya, dia kurang berjaya dalam mengendalikan MAS. Dia melakukan banyak perkara yang memberikan persepsi tidak cekap, dan kadang-kadang agak ‘gila’. Dia meninggalkan MASWings untuk dikendalikan oleh Ahli Politik Korporat yang tinggal di KL sedangkan hampir semua operasinya berlangsung di Sabah dan Sarawak.”

Ujar Nik Huzlan lagi, dalam masa sembilan bulan, MAS kehilangan tiga pesawat dan mereka bergelut untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebanyak RM3 juta sehari.

“Gaya ‘merendah diri’ yang dipamerkan AJ dilihat pelik sebagai CEO syarikat penerbangan. Kakitangan syarikat kurang bermotivasi kerana kurangnya ‘hubungan’ antara ketua mereka. Dalam kes MH17, suara AJ jarang didengari dan kelibatnya juga tidak dilihat,” katanya.

Pada masa yang sama, Nik Huzlan menjelaskan bahawa luahannya itu ada kaitan dengan risiko yang bakal dihadapinya jika MAS diisytiharkan muflis khususnya dari segi faedah persaraannya selepas 30 tahun berkhidmat bersama syarikat itu.

Berikut merupakan kenyataan penuh beliau:

“This used to be Business.
It is now Personal.

My Message to the MAS Management;

Leave please. Do the Honorable thing. You’ve already made your bundle. Your future is assured. Your wealth is certain. Please leave. Please do not be a stumbling block to the survival of MAS.
 Please allow this company to live again.
 Just GO.

Under this Management MH is anything but Malaysian Hospitality.

MH = Musnah Harapan.
MH = Memang Hancur.
MH = Mati Habis.

MAS started to get into trouble again after Idris Jala ( best of the lot actually ) handed the reins to Tengku Azmil, a polite well mannered man who is wet behind the ears and is an excellent NO.2 man. 

NO. 1 he is not.

He listens to everyone and seems shy to make a decision. Incidentally the last year MAS employees received bonuses was under Idris Jala. Having seen many CEO changes, Idris was the one who could have made the difference.

Azmil made questionable business decisions, but not because he’s dishonest, probably because of bad advice. He had to leave after losing more than a billion. I will always remember him for not taking my advise on the Al Wafeer issue, losing MAS many many millions.

AJ came in as the saviour of MAS. I don’t know him as I retired before he came in.

A man of impeccable reputation, he refused to accept any title and comes with integrity tied to his name.

 Sadly, it quickly became apparent that the running of an Airline is not a game he plays well. He did many things that gave the perception of incompetence, sometimes bordering on lunacy. He left MASWings to be managed by a Corporate Politician, who stayed in KL while the total operation was in Sabah and Sarawak. He brought in highly paid foreigners, employed dubious sales tactics, sold below cost to fill seats, and under his watch, three planes were lost in less than 9 months. The airline bled to the tune of RM 3million a day. His ‘quiet humble’ style seems at odds as an airline CEO. The staff are totally demoralised with the lack of ‘contact’ and visibility.

In the case of MH17, the CEO was not heard and never seen.

He is also the only CEO the loyal MAS staff picketed against, something that has never happened in MAS history ever.

MAS is dead.

30 years + of loving service vis-a-vis and these bunch of clowns wrecked the jewel of Malaysia.

All the Bosses who failed leading MAS left with no personal impact to themselves, being always well taken care on exit. Even the exMD of Firefly is taken under Khazanah wings. In other words, they never reaped what they sowed. Accountability is only used against the lower ranking MAS Staff.

 And the majority of the excellent staff of MAS were left to pick up the pieces.

Every A/C Lease deal MAS loses, be it Lease in or Lease out. Except one where MAS won. ( another story there ).

 We helped set up Jet Airways, Royal Air Cambodge, Myanmar Airways ; all those deals MAS lost out but certain personnel in MAS gained.

Every analyst we read apportioned blame to the MAS Unions. All of them wrong. As I have said many times, from Day 1, the Union is only as Strong as the Management is weak.

 MAS had weak Management, hence they cannot handle the Union. Management incompetencies gives the Union strength to resist.

The Government can do what they want, but without the right leadership, cycle will repeat in a few years.

You maybe wondering why I am vocal about this; Read Below ;

I do not know what will happen to my Retirement Benefits after my 30 years service with MAS if the Company is declared bankrupt. These half-past-6 Management screwed not just the current airline staff, but also the staff who have given decades of service, and stuck with the airline thru thick and thin, even when they can earn more money elsewhere.

As we watch, the Management, right on the dot by midnight 24th of this month, like all other months, will get their fat salary from the very Corporation the screwed.

Where is the justice?”


PERINGATAN: AANS tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap komen yang diutarakan dalam laman ini. Ia pandangan peribadi pemilik akaun dan tidak semestinya menggambarkan pendirian sidang redaksi kami. Segala risiko akibat komen yang disiarkan menjadi tanggungjawab pemilik akaun sendiri

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